Are you experiencing discomfort from the heat and humidity, yet concerned about the potential rise in your electricity bill expenses if you turn on the air conditioning? Here are a few valuable suggestions to assist you in saving money while optimising the efficiency of your AC cooling system.

The unpredictable weather seems to fluctuate between extreme heat and high humidity, causing discomfort. This indecisive season is also having a significant impact on our electricity bills, primarily due to the increased usage of air conditioners. People are relying on air conditioners round the clock to combat the heat, resulting in elevated electricity expenses at the end of each month.

On the other hand, certain individuals attempt to cut back on their air conditioning usage in order to save money, often sacrificing optimal cooling in the process. If you find yourself in a situation where you rely on your AC to shield yourself from the scorching sun but still worry about your energy bills, fret not! Here are some valuable tips to enhance the efficiency of your AC’s cooling capabilities and save energy in the process.

Set the Right Temperature:

There is a common misconception that setting the air conditioner to its minimum temperature will cool the room faster. However, this belief is inaccurate. The Bureau of Energy Efficiency recommends maintaining the AC at around 24 degrees Celsius, which is considered ideal for the human body’s comfort. It’s important to note that the temperature setting on your air conditioner has a significant impact on your power consumption. Lowering the temperature by just one unit can result in a 6 percent increase in electricity usage. Instead of attempting to turn your room into a chilly mountain retreat, aim to keep your AC set between 20-24 degrees Celsius. This temperature range not only creates a comfortable environment but also reduces strain on the air conditioner, leading to improved efficiency and lower power consumption.

Clean AC Filter Regularly and Schedule Servicing:

Whether you have a window AC or a split AC, the condenser unit is always positioned outside, either in a window or on a wall. Over time, dust and debris, including particles from within the house, can accumulate and clog the AC filters. These clogged filters have a negative impact on the cooling performance of the AC, leading to increased power consumption in order to cool the room effectively. To save money and enhance efficiency, it is highly recommended to clean your AC filters on a regular basis and schedule routine servicing, preferably at least once per season. This regular maintenance will ensure that your AC operates optimally, providing efficient cooling while keeping energy consumption in check.

While it is generally advised to schedule AC servicing once or twice a season, it is crucial to clean the AC filters on a monthly basis, especially in areas with high pollution or during periods of dust storms. Cleaning the filters regularly helps maintain their efficiency and ensures uninterrupted airflow. In addition to filter cleaning, AC servicing may also involve tasks such as lubrication and addressing other potential issues. It is highly recommended to consult a professional technician who can assess your specific AC model and provide guidance on the optimal frequency of servicing required to keep your AC in optimal condition. Their expertise will help you determine the appropriate servicing schedule to maximise efficiency and prolong the lifespan of your AC unit.

Turn on Fan:

To enhance air circulation and expedite the cooling process of your AC, consider utilising your ceiling fan. By turning on the fan at a moderate speed, you can effectively distribute the cool air throughout the room. This combination of the AC and ceiling fan creates a synergistic effect, ensuring that the cool air reaches every corner of the room, providing a more comfortable environment.

Close Doors and Windows:

To ensure optimal cooling efficiency of your AC, it is essential to close all doors, windows, and any other openings that may allow cool air to escape from the room. Leaving windows or doors open while the AC is operating will result in increased power consumption, as the AC will need to work harder to cool the space. Consider installing a door closer mechanism, which automatically closes the door once you leave the room. This simple addition helps maintain a sealed environment and prevents unnecessary air leakage, allowing the AC to cool the room more effectively while minimising energy waste.

Turn on Timer:

To promote energy conservation and facilitate a comfortable sleep, take advantage of the timer function available on your AC unit. Prior to going to bed, set the timer to automatically switch off the AC after 1 or 2 hours, once the room has reached a desirable temperature. This approach reduces nighttime electricity consumption and eliminates the need to wake up in order to manually turn off the AC. Furthermore, it is advisable to avoid continuous operation of the AC throughout the day, as this can put unnecessary strain on the AC and its components. Instead, consider setting a timer on your AC to automatically turn it off after a specific duration, ensuring efficient usage of energy while maintaining a comfortable environment.
