WhatsApp is said to be introducing new features that will enable users to share their screen during video calls. This Meta-owned instant messaging platform plans to roll out a feature called ‘Screen-Sharing’ to beta testers on Android before making it available to all users, including iOS.

According to reports, this upcoming feature may not be compatible with older versions of Android and may not work during large group calls. It is also mentioned that recipients may not be able to view the shared screen content if they are using an outdated version of the app.

The ‘Screen-Sharing’ feature, which is currently being tested in WhatsApp beta, is already popular on platforms like Zoom and Microsoft Teams. The report emphasizes that users will have to give their consent to share their screen content.

whatsapp search share feature

With the installation of the new WhatsApp beta version, users may notice some minor changes to the bottom navigation bar. The tabs within the navigation bar have been rearranged, and some users may now see tabs for Chats, Calls, Communities, and Status.

In addition to these updates, WhatsApp is reportedly working on a feature called ‘Usernames.’ This feature will allow users to choose unique usernames for their accounts instead of relying solely on contact numbers to connect with others on the platform. A similar feature is already available on Telegram.

These upcoming features aim to enhance the user experience and offer more options for communication and personalization within the WhatsApp platform.
