One of the hardest decisions in programming is choosing names. Programmers often use this phrase to highlight the challenges of selecting Python function names. It may be an exaggeration, but there’s still a lot of truth in it.

There are some hard rules you can’t break when naming Python functions and other objects. There are also other conventions and best practices that don’t raise errors when you break them, but they’re still important when writing Pythonic code.

Choosing the ideal Python function names makes your code more readable and easier to maintain. Code with well-chosen names can also be less prone to bugs.

In this tutorial, you’ll learn about the rules and conventions for naming Python functions and why they’re important. So, how do you choose Python function names?

What is a Python Function Name?

In Python, a function name is an identifier used to label a function. When you define a function using the def keyword, you provide a name for that function. This name is then used to call the function later in the code.

Importance of Naming

Choosing the right function name is crucial for several reasons:

  1. Readability: Well-named functions make the code easier to read and understand.
  2. Maintenance: Descriptive names help maintain and update the codebase efficiently.
  3. Collaboration: Clear naming conventions facilitate teamwork and collaboration.

Basic Rules for Naming Python Functions

Valid and Invalid Names

Python has specific rules for what constitutes a valid function name. Here are some key points:

  • Function names can include letters, numbers, and underscores (_).
  • They cannot start with a number.
  • They cannot include spaces or special characters other than the underscore.


first nameInvalidNo whitespace allowed
10_numbersInvalidNo digits allowed at the start
greeting!InvalidNo ASCII punctuation allowed except _
caféValidNot recommended
你好ValidNot recommended
hello⁀worldValidNot recommended

PEP 8 and Naming Conventions

Overview of PEP 8

PEP 8, the Python Enhancement Proposal 8, is the style guide for Python code. It provides guidelines for writing clean and readable code, including naming conventions for functions, variables, classes, and more.

Importance of Conventions

Following PEP 8 ensures that your code is:

  • Consistent: Maintains uniformity across the codebase.
  • Readable: Easy to read and understand.
  • Maintainable: Simplifies long-term maintenance and updates.

Why Use snake_case for Python Function Names?

Definition of snake_case

Snake_case is a naming convention where words are written in lowercase and separated by underscores (_). For example, get_text() is in snake_case.

Benefits of Using snake_case

  • Readability: Improves readability by clearly separating words.
  • Consistency: Aligns with PEP 8 guidelines, ensuring consistent naming.
  • Clarity: Makes the function’s purpose clear at a glance.

Descriptive Function Names

Importance of Descriptive Names

Descriptive names convey the purpose of the function, making the code self-documenting. This is crucial for:

  • Understanding: Quickly grasping what the function does.
  • Maintenance: Easier to maintain and debug.
  • Collaboration: Facilitates teamwork by reducing ambiguity.


  • calculate_total() instead of total()
  • find_maximum() instead of max()
  • save_to_file() instead of save()

Avoiding Confusing Names

Common Pitfalls

  • Overly Short Names: Names like x() or f() provide no context.
  • Overly Long Names: Names like this_is_a_very_long_function_name() are cumbersome.
  • Ambiguous Names: Names like process() or handle() are too vague.

Best Practices

  • Be Specific: Use names that clearly describe the function’s purpose.
  • Be Concise: Avoid unnecessary words.
  • Avoid Abbreviations: Unless they are universally understood.

Single and Double Underscores

Leading and Trailing Underscores

Underscores have special meanings in Python:

  • Single Leading Underscore (_name): Indicates a non-public attribute or method.
  • Single Trailing Underscore (name_): Used to avoid conflicts with Python keywords.
  • Double Leading Underscores (__name): Triggers name mangling in classes.
  • Double Leading and Trailing Underscores (name): Reserved for special methods.

Name Mangling

Name mangling changes the name of the variable or method to avoid conflicts and ensure encapsulation within classes. For example, __balance in a class BankAccount would be mangled to _BankAccount__balance.

Consistency in Naming

Importance of Consistency

Consistent naming conventions:

  • Enhance Readability: Makes the code easier to read.
  • Facilitate Maintenance: Simplifies the maintenance process.
  • Support Collaboration: Helps team members understand the code better.

Team Standards

  • Agree on Conventions: Establish and adhere to team-wide naming conventions.
  • Code Reviews: Ensure conventions are followed through regular code reviews.

Special Methods and Naming

Dunder Methods

Dunder (double underscore) methods, such as __init__ and __repr__, have special meanings and uses in Python. These methods:

  • Initialize Objects: __init__ sets up initial object state.
  • Represent Objects: __repr__ provides a string representation of the object.


class BankAccount:
    def __init__(self, account_number, balance):
        self.account_number = account_number
        self.balance = balance

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"BankAccount({self.account_number}, {self.balance})"

CamelCase vs snake_case


  • CamelCase: Words are joined without spaces, and each word starts with a capital letter (e.g., FindWinner()).
  • snake_case: Words are joined by underscores and are all in lowercase (e.g., find_winner()).

Why snake_case is Preferred

  • PEP 8 Compliance: snake_case aligns with Python’s official style guide.
  • Readability: Clear separation of words improves readability.

Common Mistakes in Naming Functions

Overly Short Names

Short names like a() or x() are not informative and should be avoided. They fail to convey the function’s purpose, making the code hard to understand.

Overly Long Names

Names like this_is_a_function_that_calculates_the_total_value() are verbose and cumbersome. Aim for a balance between descriptiveness and conciseness.

Case Studies

Real-world Examples

Examining well-known libraries can provide insights into good naming practices. For instance, the requests library has functions like get() and post(), which are concise and descriptive.

Analyzing Popular Libraries

By studying the naming conventions used in popular libraries like pandas and numpy, you can learn how to apply these principles effectively in your own code.

Impact on Code Readability

How Naming Affects Readability

Function names significantly impact how easily code can be read and understood. Descriptive names make it clear what a function does without needing to read its implementation.

Tips for Improving Readability

  • Use Descriptive Names: Clearly indicate what the function does.
  • Follow Conventions: Adhere to established naming conventions.
  • Avoid Ambiguity: Ensure names are unambiguous and specific.

Refactoring Function Names

When and How to Rename Functions

Refactoring is the process of improving the structure of code without changing its functionality. Rename functions when:

  • They are unclear: If the name does not clearly describe the function.
  • They conflict with other names: Avoid naming conflicts.

Tools for Refactoring

  • IDEs: Integrated Development Environments like PyCharm and VSCode have built-in refactoring tools.
  • Automated Tools: Use tools like black and flake8 for automated code formatting and linting.

Function Names and Documentation

Importance of Documentation

Well-documented functions enhance code readability and usability. Documentation should include:

  • Function Purpose: Explain what the function does.
  • Parameters and Return Values: Describe input parameters and return values.

Best Practices for Docstrings

  • Concise and Clear: Keep docstrings concise but informative.
  • Consistent Format: Use a consistent format for all docstrings.

Function Names in Large Codebases

Strategies for Large Projects

In large projects, it’s essential to have clear and consistent naming conventions to manage complexity. Strategies include:

  • Modular Design: Break down the project into smaller modules.
  • Consistent Naming: Ensure all team members follow the same naming conventions.

Examples from Open Source Projects

Studying large open-source projects like Django or Flask can provide valuable insights into managing naming conventions in large codebases.

Global vs Local Function Names

Scope and Naming

Global function names should be unique and descriptive to avoid conflicts. Local function names can be shorter and more specific to their context.

Best Practices

  • Use Namespaces: Use namespaces to avoid global name conflicts.
  • Descriptive Names: Ensure global names are unique and descriptive.

Impact on Debugging and Maintenance

Easier Debugging

Descriptive function names make it easier to understand the code and locate bugs. They provide context, making debugging more straightforward.

Long-term Maintenance

Consistent and descriptive names simplify long-term maintenance by making the codebase more understandable for future developers.

Naming Conventions in Other Languages

Comparisons with Other Languages

Different programming languages have their own naming conventions. For example:

  • JavaScript: Often uses camelCase for function names.
  • Java: Uses CamelCase for class names and camelCase for methods.

Learning from Other Practices

Understanding naming conventions in other languages can provide insights and help you adopt best practices in Python.

Future Trends in Naming Conventions

Evolving Practices

Naming conventions evolve over time as programming practices change. It’s important to stay updated with the latest trends and best practices.


Future trends may include:

  • More Emphasis on Readability: Increased focus on making code more readable and maintainable.
  • Advanced Tools: Improved tools for automated code analysis and refactoring.

FAQs on Python Function Names

How important are descriptive function names?
Descriptive function names are crucial for code readability and maintenance. They make it easier to understand the code without having to read the implementation.

What is the difference between camelCase and snake_case?
camelCase joins words without spaces, with each word starting with a capital letter. snake_case joins words with underscores and uses all lowercase letters.

Can function names start with numbers?
No, function names cannot start with numbers. They must start with a letter or an underscore.

What is the purpose of using underscores in function names?
Underscores are used to separate words in snake_case and to indicate special meanings, such as non-public attributes (single leading underscore) or name mangling (double leading underscore).

Why should I avoid using Python keywords as function names?
Using Python keywords as function names can cause syntax errors and confusion. It’s best to avoid naming conflicts by choosing unique names.

How can I refactor function names in a large codebase?
Use IDEs with built-in refactoring tools or automated tools like black and flake8 to refactor function names consistently and safely.

In this article, you learned how to choose Python function names that follow the core naming rules and the conventions defined by Python’s style guide. Function names contain all lowercase letters. When function names contain more than one English word, you use underscores to connect these words. Function names should also be descriptive to make the code more readable and easier to maintain.

Python doesn’t enforce these naming guidelines. However, most programmers follow these conventions for consistency and to improve readability. You can keep these conventions in mind the next time you need to choose a name for a new function.
