Trying to choose between Hostinger vs GoDaddy to host your website?

In our detailed comparison, we’re going to compare these two hosts in five important areas to help you choose the best option for your needs:

  1. ⚙️ Key features
  2. 🏎️ Performance
  3. 📞 Support
  4. 💰 Pricing
  5. 🙋 User experience
Price from /mo.$1.99 (Go to Hostinger)$3.68 (Go to GoDaddy)
SitesOne for lowest plan. Unlimited after that.One for lowest plan. Unlimited after that.
Bandwidth100GB for lowest plan. Unlimited after that.Always unlimited.
Storage50 GB SSD100GB for lowest plan. Unlimited after that.
Free DomainNot for lowest plan. Above that, yes.Yes, for all plans.
Free SSL CertificateYes, for all plans.Not until you reach the Ultimate plan.
24/7 SupportYesYes
Extra FeaturesCaching, Cloudflare support, WordPress acceleration, subdomains, FTP, SSH, backups, WordPress integration.Free Office 365 email, DNS, unlimited SSLs in some plans, SSH, subdomains, one-click installs, potential backups, WordPress integration.
Speed (North America)0.62s 🏆0.89s
Speed (Europe)1.12s0.91s 🏆
Speed (Australia)2.28s1.93s 🏆

Hostinger vs GoDaddy Features

Hostinger and GoDaddy offer unique bonuses that cater to different types of websites you may plan to create.

It’s worth noting that the features provided by both Hostinger and GoDaddy vary depending on the type of hosting you choose. Both companies offer shared, cloud, VPS, and other hosting options. However, for the purpose of this comparison, we will focus solely on the features offered in their shared hosting plans.

Hostinger’s shared hosting plans come with an array of features, even in their basic Single Shared Hosting package. While not all features are available in every plan, here are some potential features you can expect from Hostinger’s shared hosting:

  1. Unlimited websites.
  2. Email account.
  3. LiteSpeed server/caching.
  4. Free SSL certificate for all plans.
  5. WordPress acceleration for improved performance.
  6. GitHub integration for version control.
  7. Nameservers protected by Cloudflare to enhance security.
  8. DNS management options for easy domain configuration.
  9. Access manager for controlling permissions.
  10. MySQL databases for database management.
  11. Subdomains for organizing content within your site.
  12. FTP accounts for file transfers.
  13. Free domains included in some plans.
  14. SSH access available in some plans for secure remote server access.
  15. Backups provided in certain plans to safeguard your data.

Both Hostinger and GoDaddy have their strengths when it comes to shared hosting features. Assessing your specific website needs and priorities will help you determine which hosting provider suits you best.

GoDaddy Features

Indeed, GoDaddy may lack certain features compared to Hostinger, but it compensates with distinctive free integrations and offerings that cater to specific needs.

Highlighted features of GoDaddy’s shared hosting plans include:

  1. Unlimited websites offered in most plans, allowing you to host multiple websites under a single account.
  2. Generous storage space available in most plans, offering ample room for your website’s data and content.
  3. Unmetered bandwidth across all plans, ensuring your website can handle traffic without restrictions.
  4. A free year of Office 365 email, providing professional email services for your domain during that period.
  5. Free domain included with all plans, allowing you to establish a personalized web address without extra costs.
  6. Support for multiple databases, enabling you to manage various data-driven applications.
  7. Access to various apps, including a WordPress installer, to enhance your website’s functionality.
  8. Free SSL certificate offered in some plans, with the highest plan even providing unlimited SSL certificates for enhanced security.

While Hostinger excels in providing essential features like SSL certificates for all plans, backups for certain plans, and built-in caching, GoDaddy distinguishes itself with its unique offerings like the free year of Office 365 email. It’s essential to consider your specific requirements and preferences when choosing between the two hosting providers, as both offer valuable features tailored to different needs. Keep in mind that the free Office 365 email is time-limited and lasts for one year.

Winner:  🏅 Hostinger

🏎️ Who wins in Hostinger vs GoDaddy performance tests?

Without a doubt, hosting plays a crucial role in determining website performance, surpassing the impact of any theme, plugin, or caching tool. It is imperative to assess whether your hosting plan delivers the level of performance you require.

Page speed

One of the essential aspects of performance evaluation is page speed. To compare load times between Hostinger and GoDaddy for WordPress installations, we conducted page speed testing using Pingdom. To ensure a level playing field, we used theme unit test data for both hosts.

Additionally, we ran the tests from three different locations: the US, London, and Sydney.

New York0.62s0.89s

The results revealed that GoDaddy exhibited faster load times in London and Sydney, while Hostinger outperformed GoDaddy in the New York test. Thankfully, all load times were fast and relatively close to each other. However, based on the test outcomes, GoDaddy takes the lead, being faster in two out of the three locations.

It’s important to note that while these test results offer a decent indication of load times for smaller websites, other factors significantly influence page load times. These factors include the type of hosting you choose, the content of your site, and the optimization tools you implement.

Ultimately, when assessing hosting performance, it’s crucial to consider your specific website requirements and user expectations. A well-optimized hosting plan will contribute to a seamless user experience and better overall website performance.

Winner:  🏅 GoDaddy

📞 Does Hostinger or GoDaddy offer better customer support?

When it comes to customer support in the hosting industry, there are variations in the level of service provided by different companies. Let’s take a closer look at the customer support offered by Hostinger and GoDaddy, as well as the availability and usefulness of their online resources.

Hostinger Customer Support:

Hostinger ensures 24/7 customer support, which can be accessed through live chat or email. However, it’s worth noting that they do not currently offer phone support, which might be a drawback for customers who prefer speaking directly with support agents over the phone.

Hostinger vs GoDaddy

In terms of online resources, Hostinger has a database of helpful tutorials, a knowledgebase with valuable information, and a blog that covers various topics related to hosting and website management. These resources can be beneficial for users looking to troubleshoot issues or seek guidance on different aspects of their hosting experience.

GoDaddy Customer Support:

GoDaddy has a competitive edge over Hostinger in the customer support department. Like Hostinger, GoDaddy offers 24/7 support, but they also provide phone support, giving customers the option to call for assistance. Additionally, users can reach out for support via email or utilize the online chatbox for real-time help.

Hostinger vs GoDaddy

Regarding online resources, GoDaddy offers a comprehensive help section, which contains detailed information and guides to aid users in navigating their hosting services. They also provide tutorials to guide users through various processes. Moreover, GoDaddy has a community forum where customers can engage with each other and share experiences or seek advice. Additionally, their blog covers relevant topics related to hosting and website management.

In conclusion, while both Hostinger and GoDaddy offer 24/7 customer support, GoDaddy gains an advantage with its phone support option. Hostinger provides customer support through live chat and email but lacks phone support. As for online resources, both companies offer valuable tutorials and knowledgebases, but GoDaddy supplements it with a community forum where customers can interact. Ultimately, the level of customer support and resources you prefer will depend on your individual needs and preferences.

Winner:  🏅 GoDaddy

💰 How does Hostinger vs GoDaddy pricing compare?

It’s essential to consider that numerous hosting companies offer introductory promotional rates. We’ll delve into both the promotional and actual pricing to give you a comprehensive view. Typically, you have the option to secure the promotional prices for a duration of up to three years. Afterward, the regular pricing will apply.

Hostinger pricing

Hostinger sells three plans for shared hosting:

  • Single Shared Hosting – from $1.99/mo. for one website, one email, 100GB of bandwidth, a free SSL certificate, and more.
  • Premium Shared Hosting – from $2.99/mo. for 100 websites, 100 email accounts, unlimited bandwidth, WordPress acceleration, and a free SSL certificate and domain.
  • Business Shared Hosting – from $3.99/mo. for everything in the previous plan plus daily backups and more allocated resources.

GoDaddy pricing

GoDaddy presents four pricing plans for its shared hosting, each featuring introductory and long-term commitment pricing.

Here’s a breakdown of what you can anticipate:

  1. Basic – Starting at $2.99/mo. Includes one website, 100GB of storage, unmetered bandwidth, and a free email and domain.
  2. Deluxe – Starting at $11.99/mo. Offers unlimited websites, storage, and bandwidth, alongside a free email and domain.
  3. Ultimate – Starting at $18.99/mo. Provides everything from the previous plan and additional processing power, a premium DNS, and a free SSL certificate.
  4. Ecommerce – Starting at $19.67/mo. Incorporates all features from the previous plan and boasts improved speeds and unlimited SSL certificates for all your sites.

Notably, GoDaddy outshines Hostinger with a greater variety of pricing plans, offering customers more choices. Additionally, GoDaddy’s starting plan is marginally more budget-friendly than Hostinger’s.

Although GoDaddy’s more popular premium plans are slightly higher-priced, the difference is not substantial.

However, Hostinger takes the lead in terms of introductory and long-term pricing cuts. With discounts of up to 90% for multi-year subscriptions, Hostinger outperforms GoDaddy, whose discounts typically reach up to 33%.

Winner:  🏅 Hostinger

🙋 Is Hostinger or GoDaddy easier to use? The tiebreaker

The user experience of a web host is heavily influenced by its online dashboard.

Hostinger stands out by offering a custom, feature-packed backend that provides direct access to hosting elements, domain names, and SSLs. While it may not exactly mirror the traditional cPanel feel, some users find it slightly cluttered due to the multitude of buttons on each page and the large menu. Nevertheless, with a little time and familiarity, users can become comfortable navigating through Hostinger’s dashboard.

In contrast, GoDaddy’s dashboard used to be one of the least favorite among users. It was cluttered, filled with upsells, and locating essential features proved to be challenging.

However, much has evolved over the years, and the GoDaddy dashboard now boasts a modern design with ample whitespace and a streamlined menu, focusing on guiding users to the crucial elements. A significant advantage for GoDaddy users is the inclusion of cPanel, which appeals to those who prefer its familiar interface.

Ultimately, both Hostinger and GoDaddy have made efforts to improve their dashboards, providing a more user-friendly experience, but the presence of cPanel gives GoDaddy an edge for users who prefer its familiar interface.

Winner:  🏅 Hostinger

Hostinger vs GoDaddy: Which one is right for your hosting?

Hostinger and GoDaddy are both strong contenders in the hosting arena, but each excels in different areas. Here’s a quick recap of the “winner” in each category:

  1. Features – Hostinger.
  2. Performance – GoDaddy.
  3. Customer support – GoDaddy.
  4. Pricing – Hostinger.
  5. User experience – Hostinger.

Considering these factors, Hostinger comes out slightly ahead with its impressive features, pricing, and user-friendly experience. However, if you prioritize Customer Support, GoDaddy might be the better choice, offering some of the most high performance and quick customer support options available.

Feel free to reach out if you have any further questions about this Hostinger vs GoDaddy review. We’re here to help, so don’t hesitate to share your thoughts in the comments section!
