What are the causes of slow mobile phones? A phone repairing expert has finally revealed the solution to this biggest problem of people. According to Mail Online, Kevin Sheeran, Senior Refurbishment Operations Manager of the website ‘backmarket.com’, says that the main cause of slow mobile phones is applications that keep running in the background and users are aware of it. There are not.
Kevin Sheeran has mentioned that by going to the Battery Usage option, you can find out which application is using how much battery. This will let you know which applications are running in the background. Apple users can turn off background apps by going to Settings and clicking on Background App Refresh in the General option.
Android users can ‘Force Stop’ the desired application by going to Settings and opening the desired application in the Apps option. Kevin Sheeran said that in addition, if your phone’s storage is more than 90% full, it will also slow down its speed. There could be a major reason for the slowdown.

According to Kevin, battery failure is the third major cause of slow mobile phones. Kevin said that new phone batteries can also go bad, especially phones that get a lot of use. Their batteries are frequently recharged and wear out quickly.